XI International Symposium “Metrology 2021”

Fecha: 14/06/2021 Autor: Market and Communications Team
Dear colleagues: On November 25-26, 2021 Cuba will host the XI International Symposium “Metrology 2021” at the International Conference Center of Havana. The National Bureau of Standards (NC) and the Ministry of Science, Technology and the Environment (CITMA) call for participation in this event to promote the exchange of experiences among executives, experts, specialists, technicians, academics, manufacturers, importers and marketers directly involved in Metrology. Welcome to Havana, Cuba. “Metrology 2021” Organizing Committee ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Chair Sc.D. Hortensia Nancy Fernández Rodríguez Vice-chair Eng. Fernando Antonio Arruza Rodríguez Executive Secretary Lic. Elina González Labrada Chair of scientific committee M.Sc. Nelson Julián Villalobos Hevia Scientific Secretary M.Sc. Alejandra Regla Hernández Leonard Coordinators Promotion, Press, Publications and International Relations Lic. Maritza Casamayor Feria Finances Eng. Carlos Isaac Pino Support Lic. Rolando Rodríguez Macías Professional Event Organizer Lic. Alicia García González TOPICS • Metrology in the Quality Infrastructure • Legal Metrology and its fields of application • Measurement traceability and uncertainty • Accreditation of calibration and testing laboratories • University-enterprise-Metrology research center articulation • Metrology and digital transformation • Metrology and environment • Chemical metrology • Measurements in health and biotechnology • Measurements in the field of energy • Nuclear measurements and technologies SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Outstanding metrological personalities from around the world will deliver keynote lectures of interest to the scientific community, and there will be thematic workshops and pre-congress courses. “Metrology 2021” will be held online on the ClickMeeting platform through Solways. Selected papers will be presented in pre-recorded video format, posters and scientific articles. KEYNOTE LECTURES Dr. Martin Milton, Director of BIPM “Comparable Measurements for a Digital World” Dr. Roman Schwartz, President of CIML-OIML "Development of the OMIL Certification System (OIML-CS), benefits, current situation and prospects" Dr. Prof. Joachim Ullrich, President of PTB, Vice president of CIPM “The revised SI for innovation, science and the second quantum revolution" Dr. Valery Gurevich, Director of BelGim, President of COOMET “About the current activities and development strategy of COOMET” Dr. Sergey Goluveb, Deputy Head of Rosstandart “Development strategy of the system of metrological assurance in the Russian Federation” Dr. Eng. Héctor Laiz, Manager of Metrology, Quality and Environment, INTI, Argentina “Market surveillance” Dr. Fang Xiang, Director of NIM "Measurements in the field of nanotechnology. Overview and research activity at NIM" PARTICIPANTS’ PROFILE Specialists, metrologists, academics, businesspersons, managers, manufacturers, technologists, importers and marketers of measuring instruments and systems, and anyone related to Metrology Official languages: Spanish and English, with simultaneous interpretation services in the main sessions. PRESENTATION OF PAPERS All papers must be submitted in English or Spanish language to the Organizing Committee through the following e-mail addresses: metrologia2021@inimet.cu - metrologia2021@ncnorma.cu Specifications: Scientific articles must have at least 5 pages and not more than 15 and use the following format: • Title in bold-faced centered Arial 13 font. • Abstracts must have at most 250 words and be submitted in English and Spanish. • Full name of author(s), name and address of institution, e‐mail, phone number, ORCID code and main author’s country of origin. • Introduction, objectives, materials and methods, results, conclusions and references. • The text processor will be Microsoft Word (Microsoft Office 2007 or higher) presented as follows: justified text, Arial 11 font, 1.5 spacing, and 2.5-cm margins on all four sides of the page. • All pictures, tables, charts, etc. must be inserted in the document, which must not exceed 1 Mb in size. If it is larger than 300 Kb, it must be compressed using WinRar 3.0 (or lower). Oral presentations will be pre-recorded video and take up to 12 minutes. The first minute will used to present the title of the paper and its author’s information, filiation and ORCID code. Posters will include the title of the paper and the author’s information, filiation and ORCID code on the top and a box with a summary of no more than 250 words and no more than five key words, in Power Point format (Microsoft Office 2007 or higher). The slides will be 1.20 m x 1.0 m in a single page and sent in pdf format. Deadline for submission to the Organizing Committee • Confirmation of form of participation: September 10, 2021 • Submission of finished works: September 17, 2021 Works submitted after the aforesaid dates will not be included in the digital platform where the memoirs of the Symposium will be posted. REGISTRATION FEES Cuban speakers 1000.00 CUP Virtual Cuban participants 2000.00 CUP Virtual foreign participants 150.00 USD Fees include: Distance participation through the ClickMeeting platform, access to the digital application with documents of the International Symposium, and digital certification of participation and/or presentation of papers. General information Prior to the opening of the International Symposium, before November 1, 2021, speakers and participants must register through the following e-mail addresses: metrologia2021@ncnorma.cu; metrologia2021@inimet.cu; aliciagarcia@palco.cu Once payment is made by bank transfer to the International Conference Center, you will receive an invitation to access the virtual platform of the event and, subject to the relevant requirements, you will also receive your digital certificate and the memoirs of the Symposium with the ISBN registration number. PRE-EVENT COURSES Within the framework of the Symposium, the National Metrology Research Center (INIMET) will give the following distance courses on November 23-24, 2021 through the ClickMeeting platform: • Transition to NC ISO/IEC 17025:2017 • Impact of the revision of the International System of Units (SI) If you are interested, you must register prior to the courses, before November 1, 2021, through the e-mail addresses metrologia2021@inimet.cu - joaquin@inimet.cu and pay by bank transfer to INIMET. PRE-EVENT COURSE REGISTRATION FEES Virtual Cuban participants: 500.00 CUP Virtual foreign participants 80.00 USD CONTACT PERSONS IN CUBA Lic. Maritza Casamayor Feria Promoción, Prensa, Publicaciones y Relaciones Internacionales Phone numbers: (53)7862-1347 / (53) 7830-0022 E-mail: metrologia2021@ncnorma.cu; maritza@ncnorma.cu Web: www.ncnorma.cu Lic. Elina González Labrada Secretaria Ejecutiva del Comité Organizador Oficina Nacional de Normalización Calle E, No. 261, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, La Habana Phone number: (53) 7830-0769 E‐mail: metrologia2021@ncnorma.cu; elina@ncnorma.cu Web: www.ncnorma.cu M.Sc. Alejandra Regla Hernández Leonard Secretaria del Comité Científico Consulado 206, e/ Ánimas y Trocadero Centro Habana, La Habana Phone numbers: (53) 7864-3360 y 7862-3041 al 44 E‐mail: metrologia2021@inimet.cu; alehl@inimet.cu Lic. Alicia García González Organizadora Profesional de Congresos Palacio de Convenciones de La Habana Tel.: (53) 7208-5199; 7202-6011 ext. 1510 E‐mail: aliciagarcia@palco.cu Web: www.eventospalco.com Tecnomatica, along with its Metrology Services Units, will be participating throughout the event. We are looking forward to see you there!